Tuesday 22 January 2013

Marketer head to China

China is a great power and a big country, which the Chinese economy has been developing rapidly. Especially after China's reform and opening to the year 1978 and onwards, the Chinese economy has developed rapidly and continuously.

The Chinese economy in the late 2012 is more stable and can avoid an economic slowdown; investors are concerned extremely in the past. Which government policy financial relief to the lower cash reserves for commercial banks to the level of 20% and the interest rate is at 6%, while the rate of growth of GDP continues to grow at a high level, but slow down the. 7.4 in the third quarter of 2012.

However, China has been change the leader of the new government, but the company estimates that it will affect the continuity of the policy because China is planning a political term of approximately five years to provide new leadership to continue the same policy by color.  Jin Ping, the new leader of China stated that "China and the stimulus care sector and exporter in China. The government has announced officially about the economic reforms during the second half of 2013, the policy reform. It covers many aspects of the reform that the policy will not be made by the federal government alone. Be decentralized to local governments in the implementation of policy.


Its making clothing is a business that is growing rapidly and began to realize the potential of the domestic market has turned more aggressive in the market. Chinese domestic clothing brand clothing today is a modern design that is universal. There is a marketing and brand promotion through various media. Development is caused by the adjustment of China's garment industry has been beset by internal factors prompting the Chinese government to accelerate the restructuring of labor-intensive industries.

However, China is the country with the largest population is not surprising that they are marketing geniuses because their leaders are interested in learning economy , China also has to produce a lot more. They not only take into account only static economy, they also take into account the well-being of the population in order to build a foundation of labor and goods exported to all over the world.

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